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Diaper Rash 1-2-3

Baby in diaper with Triple Paste diaper rash creams in diaper caddy

We're Here to Help

As a parent, you expect lots of diaper changes, but you may not expect all the diaper rashes! Those angry red irritations can turn even the sweetest baby into a fussy little one, leaving behind sore bottoms (baby), feelings of helplessness (parent), and lots of crying (both). All you want is instant, lasting relief to erase those tears.

Diaper rash is very common, occurring in half of all babies by 15 months, but can still be scary for new parents. The skin condition occurs when skin under the diaper becomes irritated by wetness and friction and is exacerbated by milestones that change the consistency of waste such as teething, medications, and starting solids.

Fortunately, there are proven ways to prevent, treat, and soothe diaper rash. Here are a few tips from us to help give you peace of mind.

What Can Cause Diaper Rash

  • Leaving a soiled diaper on for too long
  • Diapers that are too tight, trapping moisture inside
  • Friction from baby’s soft skin rubbing against diaper
  • Warm, moist environments causing yeast to grow
  • Starting solid foods for the first time
  • Trying new foods and being exposed to acidic ingredients in foods (tomatoes, oranges, etc.)
  • Taking medications like antibiotics
  • Irritants from diapers, wipes, bath products, lotions, and laundry detergents
Baby lying on back before a diaper change

How To Prevent & Treat Diaper Rash

  • Change diapers often so that baby skin is not sitting in wetness
  • Be as gentle as possible when cleaning the diaper region – do not rub or cause excess friction, gently pat
  • Use a fragrance-free wipe, soft washcloth, or plain warm water to prevent further irritation
  • Apply a thick barrier of zinc oxide-based diaper rash ointment between diaper and baby skin with each diaper change. There is no need to remove the cream with each change; it can be fully removed at the end of the day
  • Expose baby’s bare bottom to air to let the area dry. Lay a towel underneath to protect the surface
  • Loosen up the diaper, making it snug enough to prevent leaks but not so tight it causes chafing and rubbing. Consider going up a size for more space until the rash heals
  • Wash your hands before and after diaper changes to prevent infection-causing germs from spreading

Still dealing with diaper rash after following these tips?

No worries, it’s completely normal to encounter a stubborn diaper rash that just won’t quit. But we don’t quit either. Try our Triple Paste 3X Max for the maximum amount of zinc oxide, the healing ingredient.

Types of Diaper Rash

Irritant Contact Dermatitis

a flat pink rash that becomes redder the longer it is exposed to the irritant; also the most common diaper rash
Caused By
  • urine
  • feces
  • diaper fragrances/materials
  • chemicals in wipes
  • chemicals in lotions or ointments

Allergic Contact Dermatitis

a red scaly rash that is common when starting new products
Caused By
  • detergents
  • chemicals in disposable diapers, creams, and baby wipes


a rash that takes the form of tiny round pink/red spots
Caused By
a type of yeast that grows in moist environments, making prolonged exposure to a soiled diaper a common cause


a rash that appears like a pimple and is caused by bacteria getting into the skin
Caused By
Most likely occurs when the skin is already irritated or damaged

Perianal Strep

a bright red patch around the anus
Caused By
This bacterial infection most likely occurs when the skin is already irritated or damaged

Hand, Foot, and Mouth

a rash that appears as pink or red spots in the diaper as well as on baby’s hands, feet, and face
Caused By
This viral infection is very common among young children