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How To Prepare When Your Baby Is Starting Solid Foods

Hey there moms, dads, and caregivers! If you’re reading this, that means it’s time for an exciting new chapter for you and your baby. And like every phase of parenting, starting solids can be an intimidating new hurdle for you and your baby. Switching from breastmilk or formula to solids is a big change for your little one’s digestive system. It’s a whole new world! There is so much we could talk about when it comes to switching to solids, but we’ll focus on one change in particular–what ends up in their diaper.

Switching to solids can affect the content, frequency, and consistency of their poops. Which, as we know, can be both messy and worrying if you don’t know what’s causing it. But never fear–we’ve been there many times and we’re here for you. From the highchair to the changing table, we’ll take you through a few tips and tricks learned by tried-and-true moms.

1. Keep a record of what works and what doesn’t

A bit of diarrhea or a slight change in consistency is totally normal for your baby to experience when switching to solids, but if you notice it happening far more frequently after they eat a particular food, make a note of it. That being said, don’t be afraid to have them try new foods. This is supposed to be a little bit of an adventure after all.

2. Be conscious of acidic ingredients

Acidic ingredients lead to acidic poops! It makes sense, right? You might be thinking “well how do I know what’s acidic?” and that’s where we come in. We’ve been through too many diaper changes to count and are here to provide all our wisdom! Here are a few acidic foods you might want to hold off on until they try their second round of solids.

  • Oranges
  • Tomatoes
  • Sauces that contain tomato
  • Strawberries
  • Pineapples
  • Various other fruits

As a rule of thumb, if a food makes your stomach feel a little uncertain, their little belly will probably feel the same way. 

3. Beware of diaper rash

Ah, the often-feared diaper rash! We completely understand how stressful it can be to see your little one struggling with this painful rash, but it is totally normal, especially when they start solids. Don’t worry though, their body will adjust to solids and so will their digestive system. We promise! And in the meantime, be sure to use a diaper rash cream that is sure to prevent, treat, and soothe baby diaper rash.

We hope that this blog has been helpful to you, whether you’re a parent, a grandparent, or a baby caregiver. Here are a few diaper rash options to have at the ready for when you start solid foods. Best of luck to all, you got this!

  • Triple Paste Multi-Purpose Rash Ointment with Sheer Zinc – perfect for prevention and soothing milder diaper rashes as well as dry skin irritations
  • Triple Paste Triple Protection Diaper Rash Ointment – a tried and true original, our formula is designed to prevent, treat, and soothe harsh rashes
  • Triple Paste 3X Max Diaper Rash Ointment – for the moments when you just don’t know what to do, this fast-acting diaper rash ointment gets the job done